+ 359 2 4748 800 info@gcr.bg

Environmental Impact

Regarding the environment, the policy aims at developing all activities, processes, and products in an environmentally friendly manner, in compliance with the following guiding principles:

  • Providing technical solutions that are less harmful to the environment, while performing the intended functions.
  • Knowledge and implementation of developing national and international policies.
  • Maintaining the state policy for increasing energy efficiency.
  • Use of renewable energy sources by building and maintaining appropriate energy facilities.
  • Prevention or reduction of pollution and negative impacts and continuous improvement of environmental performance through efficient waste management, prudent consumption of natural resources and application of appropriate technologies and materials in carrying out the activity.
  • Implementation of appropriate control measures for the organizations working on behalf of GCR JSC with regard to environmental protection.
  • Compliance with applicable regulatory requirements and requirements of customers and other interested parties related to the environment.