+ 359 2 4748 800 info@gcr.bg

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

With regard to health and safety at work, the policy aims at developing all activities, processes, workplaces, and work equipment in a way that ensures the maintenance and continuous improvement of a healthy and safe working environment for all employees of the Company in compliance with the following guiding principles:

  • Prevention, by taking measures to prevent occupational risks causing accidents at work, and occupational diseases in the work process.
  • Reducing to a minimum the risks for the staff and other interested parties that could be exposed to health and safety risks related to the activities, processes, and products of GCR AD.
  • Compliance with legal norms and other accepted requirements regarding health and safety at work, related to activities, processes, workplaces, work equipment and products of GCR AD.
  • Maintaining a sustainable trend for the working capacity of employees by preventing fatigue and stress at work.
  • Providing sufficient information, instructions, training and strengthening of personal responsibility so that all employees can be aware of the dangers and manage the risk at work performing their activities responsibly and safely.
  • Active cooperation with the authorized organizations for control of healthy and safe working conditions and all interested parties in solving the problems related to the provision of these conditions.

The management of GCR AD is committed to creating conditions for consulting and participation of employees and their representatives in the process of planning, implementation, performance evaluation and improvement of the health and safety management system, as well as in making decisions regarding the measures related to the performance under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.