Guide to Using Sources of Ionizing Radiation
- Employer:
Jun 2022 – Sep 2022
Project scope
Guidance for the effective implementation of a graduated approach in the regulation of activities using sources of ionizing radiation.
The manual is based on the Law on the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy (LSUNE), the Ordinance on Radiation Protection, and the Ordinance on the Procedure for Issuing Licenses and Permits for the Safe Use of Nuclear Energy, taking into account the recommendations of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the International Commission on radiation protection to apply a graded approach in activities with sources of ionizing radiation (SIR).
The manual contains specific instructions and recommendations on the application of a graded approach to ensure adequate radiation protection and effective control when carrying out activities with SIR.
The guidance considers the application of the tiered approach in relation to:
- the permit regime for SIR activities;
- regulatory control over the use of SIRs;
- the analysis and assessments of the radiation risk and the classification of SIR and activities with SIR;
- operational radiation protection, the categorization of occupationally irradiated persons, and the determination of the necessary and sufficient measures to ensure radiation protection during activities with SIR;
- the determination of controlled and supervised areas and the organization of workplaces;
- radiation monitoring and individual dosimetric control in objects and during activities with SIR;
- accounting and control of SIRs and provision of physical protection;
- documenting and reporting the results of the radiation protection status control;
- the selection, qualification, and training of persons employed in facilities with SIR and in activities with SIR.
The purpose of the guide is to present the main processes, methods, and mechanisms for the effective implementation of the graded approach when using IIL for economic, medical, veterinary, and scientific purposes or for the implementation of control functions, in accordance with the LSUNE.
The guide is intended for licensees and permit holders and other interested parties who carry out activities with IEL, including radiation protection officers, qualified radiation protection experts, and employees of departments whose functions are related to regulatory control of SIR activities.