+ 359 2 4748 800 info@gcr.bg


Conventional and Renewable Energy

While our core competency lies in nuclear energy we also provide a range of engineering services, related to the optimization of the energy balance, offering and designing modern technological solutions associated with the evolving Bulgarian and international environmental requirements for power plants, modernization and replacement of expired equipment, delivery and commissioning of new facilities. The main activities are aimed at:

  • Modernization and replacement of thermal equipment and fuel systems;
  • Modernization and replacement of turbogenerator groups;
  • Modernization and replacement of electricity transmission networks and distribution systems.

Regarding the policy of the European Union for decarbonisation of the economy and achieving the goals of zero emissions by the end of 2050, ин GCR AD we pay serious attention to the development of renewable energy sources, and provide services focused on:

  • Construction of photovoltaic power plants;
  • Construction of wind power plants;
  • Construction and modernization of hydropower plants;
  • Energy storage systems.

In these four areas, we offer a comprehensive study of the feasibility of the site, design, delivery, construction, commissioning and subsequent maintenance. Our priority is the optimization and increase of the operational indicators of the energy sites, observing the modern international and local norms for environmental pollution.